A service designed for helping small and medium businesses reach their true potential and stay competitive in the marketplace

Intugo Engagement Services

Intugo’s Engagement Team increases your nearshore and core teams productivity, while back-office tasks become more efficient.

Analyze Icon Intugo

Analyze Back Office

Analyze Back Office

Define business objectives, identify processes, and create a shared vision to successfully implement operation.

Workflow Intugo

Workflow Development

Workflow Development

Develop a collective an structured team, establish communication channels, and access technology needs to create a positive impact on the workflow.

Develop Icon Intugo
Develop & Train Back Office Team

Develop & Train Back Office Team

Develop job profiles, conduct interviews, and implement knowledge, skills and behavior assessments.

Orange Icon Intugo

Optimize & Evaluate KPI’s

Optimize & Evaluate KPI’s

Optimize resources to maximize talent by benchmarking performance and reengineer/improve procedures, where necessary.

Quick Facts About Intugo


Positions in our total head count


Of our operations are bilingual


Recruiting from all over Mexico


Coworking facilities

quote large op

I found Intugo’s Engagement Team to be highly capable, competent and easy to work with. They delivered an execution plan to build and develop our nearshore team in Mexico with the best interests of our State side operation in mind. I relied on my Engagement Leader to carry the ball to ensure our teams had established communication channels and were well trained on their respective functions so we could launch quickly. The Engagement team came through! They leveraged the tools we had in-house to transfer the targeted tasks seemlessly from our Customer Operations Team to our nearshore team, we launched new customer growth initiatives in half the time from previous years.”


Neil Chamness | VP of Finance & Corporate Operations | Carlin Group

For engaging your team you must assist through:

Vision & Strategy

Develop a vision for your company according to its values, purpose and desired image. Remember decision making is essential to achieve your objectives.

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Strategy Intugo

Team Structure

A solid structure is overriding for growing and being profitable.

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Team Structure Intugo

Recruit and Develop Team

By executing a good recruitment, you will reduce the turnover and loss rates, as well as help you find the right talent for your company.
Keep in mind, your employees represent who you are as a company.

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Recruit Intugo

Implementation & Roll Out State-Side Team

Succeeding may not be an easy task, but if your company members have timeliness, costs savings and content consistency, you have implemented the right method for approaching your objective.

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Roll Out Intugo

Mexico’s proximity to the U.S. allows you to find talent that understand -and sometimes even share- american culture, so your company can keep the identity that has always had. Similar time zones are also a huge advantage of proximity, as real-time communication is always available.

Mexican talent is eager to be part of a company that helps them grow as professionals. With about 115,000 engineers graduating in Mexico every year, many of them speaking english fluently, all of your operations, no matter how big or small, will be performed by highly skilled professionals, recruited to suit your particular needs.

Intugo’s Engagement Team Model provides stability, value and productivity


Contact us for more details