travel and hospitality Intugo
Travel and Hospitality Lights Another Fire For Latin America BPO
September 19, 2019
What Makes Continuous Innovation in BPO So Difficult?
September 19, 2019
travel and hospitality Intugo
Travel and Hospitality Lights Another Fire For Latin America BPO
September 19, 2019
What Makes Continuous Innovation in BPO So Difficult?
September 19, 2019
What Makes Continuous Innovation in BPO So Difficult?

The promise of ongoing innovation is often one of the primary reasons companies consider business process outsourcing (BPO). Each BPO provider’s marketing heavily touts their ability to drive constant, positive change for their clients, leveraging their industry and process experience and learnings from the myriad of engagements they support. The promise of ‘continuous innovation’ is, in cases when everything else is comparable, often the deciding factor behind moving an internal function to a specific BPO provider. While companies are keen to realize the benefits of continuous innovation, many are unable to take the steps required to do so. The result in these cases often manifests in disappointing relationships with the BPO provider and missed opportunities to realize the business case behind outsourcing in the first place.

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